Mittens is approximately 5 weeks old. She is very playful and adventurous. She was found by the side of the road and is a very social cat. She gets along very well with both humans and other animals!
Charles may look quite grumpy, but once he softens up to you, he will be loyal and affectionate. He likes pina Coladas and long walks on the beach.
Bagheera was a stray that is quite fearful of humans. He is a very intelligent cat that is very active. We recommend that experienced cat owners adopt him.
Sammy is approximately 6 weeks old, he is quiet and shy. He would be a perfect fit for someone who works from home a lot. He has a huge appetite and is very healthy!
Kimchi is a very loud cat, she has a lot of life in her and was quite pampered in her old home. She knows tricks and is fully house trained.
Meelo is very sassy, he is not very affectionate but he is very fun to play with. He’s very intelligent and clean.
Fluffy is a male cat that used to be pampered, unfortunately, his owner was unable to care for him anymore. He is a very calm reserved cat that is great with children.
Sasha is very young at around 3 months old. She is quite feisty but with the right owner, she may become tamer. We recommend an experienced cat owner take her in.
Charles used to live in the outback, he likes hunting and fishing. Yes! Fishing! He’s a very intelligent and patient cat that likes being outdoors
Pooki is a very fearful cat. She does not warm up to strangers very easily, but she is full of love and affection for those that are consistent in her life. We hope that’s you!
Sadie is a very affectionate and tame cat. She doesn’t like being outdoors much. She was found as a stray but appears to have had owners in the past.
Chonky, is chonky because he’s a street cat that was fed by an entire neighborhood. He is a little sickly due to being overweight and so his neighbors decided to find him a proper home. He is very sweet and caring.